Often the owners of a fixed pier end up choosing it because of the stability of the pier. A fixed dock does not sway in the waves like pontoon docks because it is in the air above the water surface. Usually, the fixed pier is also somewhat high above the water surface, so it is more comfortable for children and adults to jump into the water from the end of the pier.

When the pier is stable, it is also more comfortable to put a dining group and a grill on it for the summer evenings. From Pitkospuu, you can also get beautiful benches on the pier, which are good to sit on. Below is an example of a larger fixed pier with space for free lounging at the end.

When choosing a fixed pier, it is good to pay attention to the bottom of the shore and the behavior of the ice in the spring. If the shore is such that the ice does not pack to the shore in the spring when the ice melts, you can choose a fixed pier standing on fixed log posts. If there is ice packing on the beach, it is recommended to choose, for example, a stable trestle (A post) pier that can be fixed on the beach for the winter.
When the bottom of the beach is rocky, or otherwise not penetrable by log posts, a trestle pier can be a suitable option then. Mostly, however, random stones can be moved from the bottom near the posts. Even a small bedrock in the area of the pier is not an obstacle for the installation of a pole pier.

Above is a picture of a larger fixed pier model - Pitkospuu Halti 10 m.
Start now and see more models of piers and contact us and we will design a fixed pier suitable for your beach.
See more: www.pitkospuu.com/laiturimallit
Artikkeli suomeksi: www.pitkospuu.com/post/kiinteä-laituri